Sunday, August 4, 2024

Home and a Trip Around to the Ponds ~ August 4, 2024

At home, an adult male and an immature male Ruby-throated Hummingbird visited the feeders today.

A stop at the Hollo Road retention pond produced a Lesser Yellowlegs, 9 Least Sandpipers, 2 Solitary Sandpipers, and a Killdeer.

Over at the Regency Boulevard ponds, the Hooded Merganser continued in the south pond along with 2 Green Herons, a Spotted Sandpiper, a Killdeer, a few Chimney Swifts, and 2 Bank Swallows among 23 Barn Swallows and 4 Northern Rough-winged Swallows.

A Great Egret was at the Newburg Road retention pond, which is located behind the Lehigh Valley Hospital - Hecktown Oaks.

Green Pond held 2 Great Egrets and a Great Blue Heron, but the highlight here was a large estimated amount of 450 Northern Rough-winged Swallows. I actually counted the swallows in this photo and came up with 375 birds. There were at least another 75 birds swirling over the adjacent retention pond.
Surprisingly, all the birds I checked were Northern Rough-wingeds. No other swallow species were seen. It was interesting that I saw about 200 Northern Rough-wingeds at this same spot on August 5th of 2023, almost a year ago to the day.

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