Friday, August 9, 2024

Birding After Tropical Storm Debby ~ August 9, 2024

I was hearing reports of some storm-related birds seen along the Susquehanna River from Tropical Storm Debby, so I decided to drive down there. I stopped at the West Fairview boat launch near Harrisburg. There were lots of swallows swarming around but didn't notice much else. After a while, I left there and headed south to the Long Level Marina area. I scoped from there a while, noting around 40 Great Egrets lining the distant Conejohela Flats. I eventually headed over to 'the flats' where there was a nice selection of birds. They included the continuing Trumpeter Swan, at least 8 Laughing Gulls, a Caspian Tern, 2 Little Blue Herons, a Tricolored Heron, a Snowy Egret, and a Western Cattle Egret among Great Egrets, Great Blue Herons, Double-crested Cormorants, a few Ospreys and Bald Eagles, a Belted Kingfisher, and a good number of Lesser Yellowlegs plus a few Greaters. Unfortunately, most of the birds are 'scope birds' there, so all photos are only distant documentation quality.

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