Monday, August 12, 2024

A Four Pond Run ~ August 12, 2024

A stop at the Hollo Road pond didn't produce much other than 3 Lesser Yellowlegs, 2 American Goldfinches, and a Bank Swallow among 25 Tree Swallows.

Over at the nearby Northwood Avenue 'east' retention pond, a Great Egret continued along with a Great Blue Heron.
The Newburg Road retention pond only held one Least Sandpiper. A group of 14 Killdeer were in the grassy field behind the hospital, and a Bald Eagle was seen circling overhead.

My last pond visit was the Green Pond area. The retention pond along Farmersville Road held 9 Green Herons that were spread around its perimeter.

Two Spotted Sandpipers and a Least Sandpiper were also found along the edge of the pond while 5 Eastern Kingbirds perched on the fencing. One Great Egret was in the retention pond along Green Pond Road.

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