Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Green Pond, Newburg Park, Gun Club Road, and the Regency area ~ August 13, 2024

I stopped at Green Pond where I found 6 Green Herons, 2 Spotted Sandpipers, 5 Eastern Kingbirds, and 2 Bank Swallows among Northern Rough-winged, Tree, and Barn Swallows.
At the Newburg Park retention pond, there were 14 Killdeer and a Wood Duck.

The Gun Club Road retention pond area held 9 Killdeer plus a Common Raven that called as it flew by.
The Regency Boulevard ponds produced the continuing Hooded Merganser and 2 Wood Ducks in the south pond along with a Spotted Sandpiper and 2 Great Blue Herons.

Along the woods edge, I was surprised to find an early first-year Blackburnian Warbler along with an American Redstart.

Other birds seen there included an Eastern Wood-Pewee, 2 Baltimore Orioles, and 3 Indigo Buntings.

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