Thursday, August 1, 2024

Hollo Road, Regency Boulevard, and Green Pond ~ August 1, 2024

My first stop was at the Hollo Road retention pond where good numbers of shorebirds continued. One Semipalmated Sandpiper was found among 51 Least Sandpipers, 4 Solitary Sandpipers, and 6 Killdeer.
A Bank Swallow was also zipping around the pond with 3 Northern Rough-winged Swallows and a Tree Swallow.

I went over to the Regency Boulevard ponds and saw the continuing Hooded Merganser in the south pond.

Other birds seen there included 2 Wood Ducks, 4 Killdeer, a Great Blue Heron, and 3 Eastern Kingbirds.
At Green Pond, there were Chimney Swift, Spotted and Solitary Sandpiper, Great Blue and Green Heron, and a Great Egret.

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