Thursday, June 6, 2024

Pribilof Islands, Alaska Trip ~ May 31, 2024

Yesterday's blue skies were gone when I looked out my room's window this morning.
Mariah was once again our guide for the day. Two of our van's group, Charles and Anne, were flying back to the mainland today, so it was just Mariah and the five of us. Our goal was to find the Hawfinch that was found earlier, but we were constantly missing it, so we spent most of the morning looking for it in the known feeding areas in town. After checking and rechecking several spots, Steve finally spotted it atop a telephone pole.
It eventually came down to the seed in the yard of 317 Lagoon Loop where it fed among the Gray-crowned Rosy-Finches.

Icehouse Lake continued to hold the Eurasian Wigeon and 2 Long-tailed Ducks.

Our next stop was at the High Bluffs area above Southwest Point.

It was raining with winds gusting 25-35 miles per hour. The good thing about this spot was the rain was hitting us in the back as we looked out over the cliffs, so our bodies shielded the rain from my glasses, camera, and binoculars. I got some of my best photos of Northern Fulmars here along with some Red-legged Kittiwake shots.

On the way back, Mariah pointed out the "Praying Man" rock formation, which obviously looks like a man praying while laying down on the ground.
The most notable birds found after dinner were the continuing Tufted Ducks at the Town Marsh.

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