Thursday, June 6, 2024

Pribilof Islands, Alaska Trip ~ June 4-5, 2024

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

I finished packing and took my bags down the hall to the airport office. It would be a full flight since the four of us that were supposed to be on Sunday's cancelled flight would be joining the others originally planned to leave today. The good news was that the weather was good and the afternoon flight was a 'go'. After getting my boarding pass and checking my bags, we headed out for some last-minute birding.

We stopped at Big Polovina Lake and saw the continuing Greater White-fronted and Snow Geese. We did our last birding at "the cut" on Polovina Hill.

We returned to the hotel/airport and I boarded my flight. We took off around 1:30 PM and again landed in Bethel to refuel.

In Anchorage, I grabbed my bags from the RAVN carrousel and took them over to the main terminal. I had a 9-hour layover until my Alaska Airlines flight early the next morning, so before I checked in, I went outside to take this photo from the airport.
I checked in for my Alaska Airlines flights to Seattle and Philadelphia where I saw this comical sign at the check-in line.

Speaking of bears, there was this world record Kodiak Brown Bear on display in the concourse that stood at least 8 feet high!
I found an empty row of chairs to take a nap on and occasionally went through some of my photos to pass the time. When it came closer to my flight time, I grabbed something to eat before the 3-1/2 hour flight to Seattle.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

I boarded my 2:30 AM flight to Seattle and slept most of the way. The switch of planes in Seattle went smoothly but, again, our flight was delayed over an hour. I got this photo of Mount Rainier in Washington and Mount Hood in Oregon soon after takeoff from Seattle.
I landed in Philadelphia around 7 PM, drove to the nearby Cracker Barrel for something good to eat, and then drove home, getting back around 9:30 PM, 32 hours after leaving the island.

I ended up spending ten days on the island and saw 89 species, eight of those being 'lifers'. I also got 19 new "photo birds". For those interested in seeing many more photos from my Alaska trip, you can go to my Alaska Adventures Photos Album.

Alaska Trip List ---- May 26th to June 4th, 2024

All birds were seen on Saint Paul Island unless noted otherwise.

1) Greater White-fronted Goose
2) Snow Goose
3) "Aleutian" Cackling Goose
4) Tundra Swan
5) "Common" Teal (Eurasian) Green-winged Teal and "American" Green-winged Teal
6) American Wigeon
7) Eurasian Wigeon
8) Northern Pintail
9) Northern Shoveler
10) Garganey
11) Canvasback
12) Tufted Duck
13) Greater Scaup
14) Lesser Scaup
15) King Eider
16) White-winged Scoter
17) Harlequin Duck
18) Long-tailed Duck
19) Common Goldeneye
20) Red-breasted Merganser
21) Red-necked Grebe
22) Northern Fulmar
23) Short-tailed Shearwater*
24) Pelagic Cormorant
25) Red-faced Cormorant*
26) Bald Eagle
27) Sandhill Crane
28) Pacific Golden-Plover
29) Semipalmated Plover
30) Siberian (Lesser) Sand-Plover
31) Lesser Yellowlegs
32) Common Greenshank
33) Wood Sandpiper
34) Terek Sandpiper
35) Wandering Tattler
36) Gray-tailed Tattler
37) Common Sandpiper*
38) "Siberian" Whimbrel
39) Bristle-thighed Curlew
40) Bar-tailed Godwit
41) Ruddy Turnstone
42) "Pribilofs" Rock Sandpiper
43) Dunlin
44) Semipalmated Sandpiper
45) Western Sandpiper
46) Least Sandpiper
47) Red-necked Stint
48) Long-toed Stint*
49) Pectoral Sandpiper
50) Long-billed Dowitcher
51) Common Snipe*
52) Red-necked Phalarope
53) Red Phalarope
54) Black-headed Gull
55) Ross's Gull
56) Glaucous Gull
57) Glaucous-winged Gull
58) Slaty-backed Gull
59) Black-legged Kittiwake
60) Red-legged Kittiwake*
61) Sabine's Gull
62) Parasitic Jaeger
63) Long-tailed Jaeger
64) Common Murre
65) Thick-billed Murre
66) Pigeon Guillemot
67) Ancient Murrelet*
68) Least Auklet
69) Parakeet Auklet
70) Crested Auklet
71) Horned Puffin
72) Tufted Puffin
73) Rock Pigeon (in Anchorage)
74) Black-billed Magpie (in Anchorage)
75) Common Raven (in Bethel)
76) Tree Swallow
77) Bank Swallow
78) Cliff Swallow (in Bethel)
79) Pacific Wren
80) Siberian Rubythroat*
81) European Starling (in Anchorage)
82) Eastern Yellow Wagtail
83) White Wagtail
84) Red-throated Pipit
85) Lapland Longspur
86) Snow Bunting
87) "Pribilofs" Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch
88) Common Redpoll
89) Hawfinch

* Denotes a 'life bird'.

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