Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Prothonotary Warbler in Northampton County ~ May 24, 2004

Back on the 20th, Rett & Priscilla Oren found a Prothonotary Warbler between the Route 33 boat launch and the Route 33 bridge. I was happy to see the bird and get some photos of it.
Prothonotary Warbler along the Lehigh River, Northampton County. This photo was taken along the canal near the Route 33 boat launch area. Note the male's golden-yellow head and breast, unmarked dark wings, and white tail patches.

Prothonotary Warbler along the Lehigh River, Northampton County. This photo was taken along the canal near the Route 33 boat launch area. Note the male's golden-yellow head and breast, and unmarked dark wings. This bird was singing loudly but, apparently, couldn't find a mate and moved on.

This was a new county bird for me.