Thursday, June 6, 2024

Pribilof Islands, Alaska Trip ~ May 30, 2024

It was actually pretty bright in the morning. I was out a little early before the time we were supposed to leave the hotel and walked around the area. A "Common" Teal, the "Eurasian" Green-winged Teal, was in a wet area near some tanks.
A Lapland longspur was singing on territory near the hotel and a banded Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch perched on the back of one of the vans.

Our Thursday was spent with guide David Jadhon. The day started with much closer looks at the Bar-tailed Godwit, and it was in partial sunshine!

A stop at the Reef Cliffs provided more photo opportunities of both puffins and Parakeet and Crested Auklets.

We drove through town checking the several feeding areas for a Hawfinch that had been seen by the other group but couldn't find it. A Snow Bunting was at the feeding station along King Street.
Two Red-necked Phalaropes fed very close along the near shore of the Salt Lagoon.

The male Eurasian Wigeon continued at Icehouse Lake along with a Lesser Scaup and 2 Greater Scaup.
Our next stop was Big Polovina Lake, which is the largest freshwater lake on the island.
There, we saw the continuing 4 Greater White-fronted Geese and 3 Snow Geese plus 3 Red-breasted Mergansers, 4 Long-tailed Ducks, and an American Wigeon.

Another check of the Salt Lagoon and the harbor didn't turn up anything new, but clearing skies, the bluest skies we had seen all week, allowed me to get some nice photos of the island.
At Weather Bureau Lake, a distant male Canvasback was present along with a large group of kittiwakes.

I conservatively estimated 300 Black-legged and 80 Red-legged Kittiwakes there, plus there was a constant stream of more flying in from the south. I got a few comparison photos showing the differences between the two species while in flight.

One of the Red-leggeds circled close by as we continued toward Tonki Point.

At Tonki Point, I spotted a Gray-tailed Tattler among the rocks. We continued to look for the Hawfinch in town but struck out again.

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