Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Melchor Tract Park and Green Pond ~ October 23, 2024

I headed to the Melchor Tract Park. On the way there, I came across a field full of Common Grackles along Springfield Road. I estimated at least 500 birds there. I took a cell phone photo of a portion of the birds through my car window.
At the Melchor Tract Park, I found 32 species that included Cooper's Hawk, Eastern Phoebe, Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned Kinglet, Eastern Bluebird, Cedar Waxwing, American Pipit, a nice count of 16 Palm Warblers, and sparrows that included Field, Song, Swamp, Chipping, Savannah, and White-throated. This Northern Flicker fed in the grass path.
A Red Squirrel posed in the treeline along the east side of the park.
I left there and drove to Green Pond. The Western Kingbird was still there flycatching from the fence around the pond closest to all of the commotion going on with the road construction. I got a few photos of it, including one showing it with a huge insect in its broken bill.

I walked over to Green Pond and found the Black-crowned Night Heron in the same tree it was in on previous days.
On the way back home, I saw two adult Bald Eagles circling over Grandview Drive.

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