Saturday, October 19, 2024

Marsh Wren at the Melchor Tract Park ~ October 19, 2024

I mad another visit to the Melchor Tract Park. Four Purple Finches were atop one of the trees in the treeline on the east side of the park.

A young Chipping Sparrow and an immature White-crowned Sparrow were seen along the first crosscut path.

A Northern Harrier cruised over the field, occasionally twisting and dropping in after prey.

A while later, I ran into Adam Smith. Together, we walked the treeline back toward the parking lot. Between the second and third crosscut path, a small bird that appeared to be a wren flushed along the edge of the path. We saw it drop into a small patch of goldenrod. Carolina Wren was the likely possibility, but the fact that the bird was being so secretive made us more determined to try and see what it was. After a couple minutes of watching that area, the bird finally moved into a small opening where I could actually see it. It was a Marsh Wren! I was able to get a few fairly decent photos of this skulker before it again dropped out of sight.

Other birds seen there included Cooper's Hawk, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, House Wren, Eastern Bluebird, Palm Warbler, Dark-eyed Junco, and other sparrows that included Field, Song, Swamp, Savannah, and White-throated.

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