Sunday, September 22, 2024

St. Luke's Anderson Campus Area ~ September 22, 2024

I had to be back home by noon, so I birded the nearby St. Luke's Anderson Campus grounds. A Great Egret was on the non-active sprayer in the middle of the pond, and a Green Heron was along the edge of the cattails.

I spotted a good-sized line of 58 Lesser Black-backed Gulls flying west in the direction of the Bethlehem landfill and got a poor, long-distance photo of most of them.
I then walked the area below the pond, which held a couple Indigo Buntings, an Eastern Phoebe, a House Wren, and a White-throated Sparrow among several Song Sparrows.
Looking back towards the pond, I spotted an Osprey circling high over the hospital. When I heard a Killdeer and then spotted it, I realized it had been flushed by a Cooper's Hawk, which eventually gave up the chase, flew in my direction, and passed right overhead.

At the treeline next to the parking lot, I found a nice group of birds that included Cape May Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler, American Redstart, Northern Parula, and Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

The patch of sunflowers by the pond held about 50 American Goldfinches. I ended up with 40 species for the morning.

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