Sunday, September 15, 2024

L.V.A.S. Bird Walk at Jacobsburg State Park ~ September 15, 2024

I led an impromptu bird walk at Jacobsburg State Park for the Lehigh Valley Audubon Society. Seven participants joined me for about a 3-mile walk around the park. Before we even got out of the parking lot, I noticed a group of warblers filing into the nearby trees and brush. Seen there were Eastern Wood-Pewee, Red-eyed Vireo, and warblers that included Chestnut-sided, Black-throated Green, Northern Parula, and American Redstart.

We crossed the road and walked the area near the stone buildings. In the area near the bird blind, we saw a Merlin perched in a tree.
In that same area, we came across a group of birds comprised of Red-eyed Vireo, Warbling Vireo, a Philadelphia Vireo, Black-and-white, Magnolia, and Chestnut-sided Warbler, Northern Parula, and American Redstart. Back across the road near the visitor center, we saw Cedar Waxwing, Magnolia Warbler, and a 'fly-by' Pileated Woodpecker. On the way up the hill behind the visitor center, we had good numbers of Cedar Waxwings, 2 Eastern Bluebirds, and a Rose-breasted Grosbeak. More Northern Parulas and Eastern Towhees were seen near the top of the hill.

At the upper field area, a Great Egret flew by heading northwest, and 12 Lesser Black-backed Gulls flew by to the south.

From there on, the winds picked up a little as we walked through 'dead zones' where there were very few birds. We stopped at the walking bridge near the Boulton end of the park and spotted a Red-headed Woodpecker flying high and heading west over the forest. The broad white patches in the secondaries were very obvious. The walk back the main trail was very quiet. While crossing the walking bridge back at the Herny's Woods parking lot, someone spotted a Yellow-billed Cuckoo sitting close by. We got great looks at it as it sat still and slowly rotated its head looking for caterpillars and other insects.

Also there along the creek was a Green Heron and an Eastern Phoebe. It was a very good end to the day. We ended up with a nice total of 37 species. Here's the list:

1) Mourning Dove
2) Yellow-billed Cuckoo
3) Lesser Black-backed Gull
4) Green Heron
5) Great Egret
6) Turkey Vulture
7) Red-headed Woodpecker
8) Red-bellied Woodpecker
9) Downy Woodpecker
10) Pileated Woodpecker
11) Northern Flicker
12) Merlin
13) Eastern Wood-Pewee
14) Eastern Phoebe
15) Philadelphia Vireo
16) Warbling Vireo
17) Red-eyed Vireo
18) Blue Jay
19) American Crow
20) Carolina/Black-capped Chickadee
21) Tufted Titmouse
22) White-breasted Nuthatch
23) Carolina Wren
24) Gray Catbird
25) Eastern Bluebird
26) American Robin
27) Cedar Waxwing
28) American Goldfinch
29) Eastern Towhee
30) Black-and-white Warbler
31) American Redstart
32) Northern Parula
33) Magnolia Warbler
34) Chestnut-sided Warbler
35) Black-throated Green Warbler
36) Northern Cardinal
37) Rose-breasted Grosbeak

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