Friday, May 17, 2024

Upper Mount Bethel and Moore Townships ~ May 17, 2024

Before heading out, I stepped outside the back door and heard Cedar Waxwings and a Blackpoll Warbler.

I drove up to Upper Mount Bethel Township and started down Institute Road. The grassy field on the east side of the road produced 3 Bobolinks and an Eastern Meadowlark.

At the one pipeline cut, I discovered a Magnolia and a Black-throated Blue Warbler plus my first-of-the-year Canada Warbler.

Lake Minsi produced 4 Double-crested Cormorants, 39 Purple Martins, a Yellow-billed Cuckoo, and a Baltimore Oriole.

An Acadian Flycatcher was seen catching a spider at nearby Bear Swamp.

At the bridge on Bangor Vein Road, an Orchard Oriole and 2 Baltimore Orioles were present while 2 Red-shouldered Hawks circled overhead.
I left there and drove over to Schlegel Road in Moore Township. There, I found a Vesper Sparrow and 6 Horned Larks, three of them juveniles.

Nearby Graver's Hill held several Bobolinks and 3 fairly late American Pipits.

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