Monday, May 20, 2024

Plainfield and Lower Mount Bethel Townships ~ May 20, 2024

I birded the portion of the Plainfield Township Recreation Trail near Knitters Hill Road and found both Alder Flycatcher and Willow Flycatcher. Luckily, they were both singing, which made identification a lot easier.

A visit to Grand Central landfill's nature center area produced a Blue Grosbeak, which posed nicely in a tree along the driveway.

My next stop was the farmland along Miller Road. There, I heard and then saw a Grasshopper Sparrow singing its insect-like song.

A stop on the way home at Green Pond produced 2 Semipalmated Plovers, a Great Blue Heron, a Green Heron, 2 Eastern Kingbirds, a Warbling Vireo, and a Baltimore Oriole.

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