Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Little Gap and the Regency Ponds ~ October 16, 2024

I drove up to Little Gap and parked in the lot. While getting my gear out of the car, I spotted 3 Bald Eagles overhead. I hiked up to the hawkwatch, getting there around 1:00 PM. Tony Bauer was there monitoring the flight. The winds were nowhere as strong as when I was there on Monday, but they were still gusting to around 20 miles per hour. At around 1:15, an eagle circled high over the gap. It was a Golden Eagle! The white tail with a dark terminal band, the small white patches in the wings, and the golden hackles on its small head made it an immature bird. I got some mediocre photos of it as it passed high overhead and continued downridge.

I saw three more Bald Eagles, bringing my total to six for the afternoon. An adult Red-shouldered Hawk flew by at eye level, which didn't allow for a good photo showing its coloration.
An immature Northern Harrier was also seen. Other raptors included 32 Sharp-shinned Hawks, a Cooper's Hawk, and 11 Red-tailed Hawks. Five Common Ravens and 12 Tree Swallows also were noted. On the way back down the trail to the car, I saw 2 Ruby-crowned Kinglets, a Golden-crowned Kinglet, and 14 American Robins.

From there, I had enough daylight left to check out the Regency Boulevard ponds on the way home. In the south pond, I found 2 Ruddy Ducks and 3 Green-winged Teal, but the most interesting bird was an actively-diving Greater Scaup! I took several photos showing it forward-peaked head and the fairly wide bill with a noticeable 'nail' on its tip.

A Great Blue Heron was on the edge of the north pond.

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