Saturday, September 29, 2018

Glacier, Grand Teton, and Yellowstone National Parks ~ September 13, 2018

Today's main interest was to visit the Midway and Lower Geyser Basins and Firehole Falls. One of the Midway Geyser Basin's prime attractions is Grand Prismatic Spring, a large, multi-colored pool. Unfortunately, steam created by the cold air blowing over the top of the hot pool, blocked the view of most of it.
Opal Pool and Turquoise Pool are smaller versions of Grand Prismatic Spring. Excelsior Geyser is also found in that same area.
After a short drive, we turned onto Firehole Lake Drive, which provided looks at Firehole Spring, White Dome Geyser, and Gray Bulger and Artesia Geysers.
At the end of Firehole Lake Drive, we crossed the highway and walked the boardwalk route around the Lower Geyser Basin. Highlights there included the Celestine Pool, the Fountain Paint Pots, and Clepsydra Geyser.
While driving north towards Firehole Falls, we turned onto Fountain Flat Drive and got to see a herd of bison.
Farther north, we drove the one-way road to Firehole Falls.
Earlier, we found out that Grand Geyser and Castle Geyser, both very close to each other in the Upper Geyser Basin, were expected to erupt around the same time in the mid-afternoon. So, we headed back there and parked ourselves at Grand Geyser. From there, we could also see Castle Geyser. With no warning, Grand Geyser erupted, at times shooting over 100 feet high, accompanied by smaller Turban Geyser.
As soon as Grand Geyser died down, we walked over to Castle Geyser, which erupted soon afterwards.
From there, we walked back to "Old Faithful" and watched that show one more time.
On the way back to our room in Grant Village, I stopped to take this distant photo of Yellowstone Lake.

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