Saturday, April 5, 2014

"Common" Teal Hybrid in Northampton County ~ April 5, 2014

Mike Schall called me about a Green-winged Teal that appeared to be a hybrid between a "Common" Teal (the Eurasian form) and a Green-winged Teal of the American race. The bird had the white horizontal stripe along the wing, pointing to a "Eurasian" or "Common" Teal, but it also had the vertical white spurs on its sides, pointing to our "American" Green-winged Teal. It was being seen in a flooded field just north of Newburg between Routes 191 and 946 with ten 'traditional' Green-winged Teal. I got there and took the following photos of it. It was the first hybrid like this that I had ever seen.

I was lucky enough to get two flight photos of it showing the brigher, whiter bars on the wings compared with the duller, buffier bars of the "American" race, so it definitely had "Eurasian" blood.

There was also a Blue-winged Teal there (obvious near the top of the above flight photos) along with four Bonaparte's Gulls.

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