Thursday, July 18, 2024

Trip to Erie, PA for Roseate Tern ~ July 18, 2024

A Roseate Tern had been spotted at Gull Point in Presque Isle State Park in Erie on the 16th. I was unable to try for it on the 16th or 17th because of prior engagements. Rick Wiltraut was willing to go along with me, so I picked him up after midnight and we started the six hour drive to Erie.

We got to the park right at sunrise and started the mile-long walk out to Gull Point.
We spent the next several hours atop the observation platform looking for the Roseate Tern, but it had apparently moved on. We did get to see the Tricolored Heron that had also been reported there.

A Whimbrel and a few Short-billed Dowitchers were also spotted while looking for the tern.
Approximately a dozen Caspian Terns and 5 Common Terns were mixed in among the large gull flock and occasionally flew by the platform.

A Belted Kingfisher and good numbers of Bank Swallows flew past, too.

Other notables seen during our visit included 2 Lesser Scaup, 6 Common Mergansers, a distant Piping Plover, 5 Spotted Sandpipers, 3 Lesser Yellowlegs, a Sanderling, 3 Bonaparte's Gulls, a Great Egret, 3 Ospreys, 5 Bald Eagles, a 'fly-by' Merlin, 2 Eastern Kingbirds, a Purple Martin, a Cedar Waxwing, and 3 Yellow Warblers.

We left the park disappointed around 3:00 PM and made the long drive back home.

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