Saturday, May 11, 1991

South and West Texas Trip ~ May 5, 1991

Knowing that all we had to do was reach the San Antonio airport by early afternoon, we leisurely drove into downtown San Antonio and visited "The Alamo". It was interesting, but it looked totally out of place entirely surrounded by high-rise building and hotels. We then visited the Olmos Basin Park. The park had been flooded by torrential rains from the thunderstorms we had been following the day before. The caretaker of the park told us that they had seven inches of rain and that the park was under about ten feet of water! The waterline on the leaves of the trees confirmed his story. We left there after packing up most of our gear, turned in the rental car with an additional 2300 miles on it, and flew back to Allentown by way of Pittsburgh.

I ended the trip with 36 life birds out of the 198 species. Babe managed to get eight new ones, which was great considering that she had been to Texas once before with Bucks County Audubon.

South and West Texas Trip List

1) Least Grebe*
2) Pied-billed Grebe
3) American White Pelican
4) Brown Pelican
5) Double-crested Cormorant
6) Olivaceous Cormorant*
7) Least Bittern
8) Great Blue Heron
9) Great Egret
10) Snowy Egret
11) Little Blue Heron
12) Tricolored Heron
13) Reddish Egret*
14) Cattle Egret
15) Green-backed Heron
16) White-faced Ibis
17) Fulvous Whistling-Duck
18) Black-bellied Whistling-Duck
19) Canada Goose
20) Mottled Duck*
21) Mallard
22) Blue-winged Teal
23) Northern Shoveler
24) Ruddy Duck
25) Black Vulture
26) Turkey Vulture
27) Osprey
28) Hook-billed Kite*
29) Mississippi Kite
30) Northern Harrier
31) Sharp-shinned Hawk
32) Harris's Hawk
33) Red-shouldered Hawk
34) Broad-winged Hawk
35) Swainson's Hawk
36) White-tailed Hawk*
37) Red-tailed Hawk
38) Crested Caracara*
39) American Kestrel
40) Merlin
41) Plain Chachalaca*
42) Greater Prairie-Chicken* ("Attwater's" race)
43) Wild Turkey
44) Montezuma Quail*
45) Northern Bobwhite
46) Scaled Quail
47) Clapper Rail
48) Common Moorhen
49) American Coot
50) Wilson's Plover*
51) Killdeer
52) American Oystercatcher
53) Black-necked Stilt
54) American Avocet
55) Lesser Yellowlegs
56) Solitary Sandpiper
57) Willet
58) Spotted Sandpiper
59) Whimbrel
60) Ruddy Turnstone
61) Short-billed Dowitcher
62) Long-billed Dowitcher
63) Wilson's Phalarope
64) Laughing Gull
65) Franklin's Gull
66) Caspian Tern
67) Royal Tern
68) Sandwich Tern
69) Least Tern
70) Black Skimmer
71) Rock Dove
72) Red-billed Pigeon*
73) White-winged Dove
74) Mourning Dove
75) Inca Dove
76) White-tipped Dove*
77) Red-crowned Parrot*
78) Black-billed Cuckoo
79) Yellow-billed Cuckoo
80) Greater Roadrunner
81) Groove-billed Ani*
82) Great Horned Owl
83) Elf Owl
84) Burrowing Owl
85) Common Nighthawk
86) Common Pauraque*
87) Chimney Swift
88) White-throated Swift
89) Buff-bellied Hummingbird*
90) Blue-throated Hummingbird
91) Black-chinned Hummingbird
92) Broad-tailed Hummingbird
93) Ringed Kingfisher*
94) Green Kingfisher*
95) Acorn Woodpecker
96) Golden-fronted Woodpecker*
97) Ladder-backed Woodpecker
98) Cordilleran Flycatcher
99) Black Phoebe
100) Eastern Phoebe
101) Say's Phoebe
102) Vermilion Flycatcher
103) Ash-throated Flycatcher
104) Brown-crested Flycatcher
105) Great Kiskadee*
106) Couch's Kingbird*
107) Cassin's Kingbird
108) Western Kingbird
109) Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
110) Horned Lark
111) Purple Martin
112) Tree Swallow
113) Bank Swallow
114) Cliff Swallow
115) Cave Swallow
116) Cave Swallow*
117) Barn Swallow
118) Green Jay*
119) Brown Jay*
120) Scrub Jay
121) Gray-breasted Jay
122) American Crow
123) Mexican Crow*
124) Chihuahuan Raven
125) Tufted "Black-crested" Titmouse
126) Common "Black-eared" Bushtit
127) Cactus Wren
128) Rock Wren
129) Canyon Wren
130) Carolina Wren
131) Bewick's Wren
132) Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
133) Black-tailed Gnatcatcher
134) Eastern Bluebird
135) Hermit Thrush
136) Northern Mockingbird
137) Long-billed Thrasher*
138) Curve-billed Thrasher
139) American Pipit
140) Cedar Waxwing
141) Phainopepla
142) Loggerhead Shrike
143) European Starling
144) White-eyed Vireo
145) Bell's Vireo
146) Black-capped Vireo*
147) Gray Vireo*
148) Solitary Vireo
149) Hutton's Vireo
150) Philadelphia Vireo
151) Nashville Warbler
152) Colima Warbler*
153) Yellow Warbler
154) Yellow-rumped "Audubon's" Warbler
155) Townsend's Warbler
156) Hermit Warbler
157) Black-throated Green Warbler
158) Golden-cheeked Warbler*
159) Black-and-white Warbler
160) Common Yellowthroat
161) Summer Tanager
162) Northern Cardinal
163) Pyrrhuloxia
164) Rose-breasted Grosbeak
165) Black-headed Grosbeak
166) Blue Grosbeak
167) Indigo Bunting
168) Painted Bunting
169) Dickcissel
170) Olive Sparrow*
171) Green-tailed Towhee
172) Rufous-sided "Spotted" Towhee
173) Canyon Towhee
174) White-collared Seedeater*
175) Cassin's Sparrow
176) Rufous-crowned Sparrow
177) Chipping Sparrow
178) Clay-colored Sparrow
179) Brewer's Sparrow
180) Black-chinned Sparrow*
181) Lark Sparrow
182) Black-throated Sparrow
183) Lark Bunting
184) Savannah Sparrow
185) White-crowned Sparrow
186) Red-winged Blackbird
187) Eastern Meadowlark
188) Great-tailed Grackle
189) Common Grackle
190) Bronzed Cowbird
191) Brown-headed Cowbird
192) Hooded Oriole
193) Altamira Oriole*
194) Audubon's Oriole*
195) Northern "Bullock's" Oriole
196) Scott's Oriole
197) House Finch
198) House Sparrow

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