Saturday, June 30, 1990

Maine Trip ~ June 27-30, 1990

June 27, 1990

Rick Wiltraut, Gordon Yoder, and I crammed our gear and ourselves into my little Nissan Pulsar and headed for Maine. We spent the night in Jonesport, Maine.

June 28, 1990

We drove to the harbor and got on Barna Norton's boat for the trip out to Machias Seal Island. We 'docked' and worked our way across the island towards the bird blinds.
Rick at the dock of Machias Seal Island, off the coast of Maine.

An Arctic Tern on the sign identifying Machias Seal Island, off the coast of Maine.

An Arctic Tern near the dock of Machias Seal Island, off the coast of Maine.

The adult Arctic Terns, which saw us as a threat to their nests, were constantly dive-bombing us as we worked our way across the island to the bird blinds.

Arctic Tern nests with eggs and chicks were noted along the path to the bird blinds of Machias Seal Island, off the coast of Maine.

From the bird blind, we could look out on the numbers of Razorbills and Atlantic Puffins.
Razorbills and Atlantic Puffins on the rocks outside the bird blind on Machias Seal Island, off the coast of Maine.

Razorbills from the bird blind on Machias Seal Island, off the coast of Maine.

Atlantic Puffins from the bird blind on Machias Seal Island, off the coast of Maine. It was amazing how many fish they held in one mouthful.

Additional birds seen from the boat and the island included Common Loon, Double-crested Cormorant, Common Eider, Great Black-backed and Herring Gull, Black Guillemot, and Common Murre.

We returned to the mainland and headed north on Route 1 for Cobscook Bay State Park, hoping for species like Black-backed Woodpecker and Boreal Chickadee. We didn't find either but, instead, found Pileated Woodpecker and Black-capped Chickadee.

Other notable birds seen while in Maine included Red-necked Grebe, Bonaparte's Gull, Bald Eagle, Broad-winged Hawk, Alder Flycatcher, Common Raven, Brown Creeper, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Winter Wren, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Swainson's and Hermit Thrush, Solitary Vireo, Evening Grosbeak, Pine Siskin, Purple Finch, and warblers that included Nashville, Magnolia, Yellow-rumped, Blackburnian, and Black-throated Green.

June 29-30, 1990

We slowly birded our way south through Maine and then worked our way back home.

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