Saturday, November 9, 2024

An Afternoon Run Around the County ~ November 9, 2024

I got up late after recovering from the drive to Erie and being up for around 24 hours, so I made an afternoon run to a bunch of sites in the area. My first stop was at the Regency Boulevard retention ponds. There, I saw 3 Green-winged Teal, 6 Buffleheads, a Killdeer, a Pied-billed Grebe, a Great Blue Heron, and 5 American Pipits.

Up at the Silver Crest Road retention pond, there were 10 Ruddy Ducks, a Green-winged Teal, a Bufflehead, and a Great Blue Heron among about 200 Canada Geese.

A stop at the Gun Club Road retention ponds between Bath and Newburg produced 3 Killdeer and an American Pipit.

At the overgrown area along the fence across from the large pond, I found a surprising number of 9 White-crowned Sparrows plus 3 White-throated Sparrows and 2 Dark-eyed Juncos.

A White-crowned Sparrow and a White-throated Sparrow perched side-by-side on a fence for a great comparison between the two. Compare the bolder head stripes, the uniform plain gray face and throat, and pinkish bill on the White-crowned (left) with the obvious white throat patch and, on this bird, the yellow lores on the White-throated Sparrow (right). The White-crowned is a much larger sparrow with a longer tail, but that isn't quite as noticeable here because of the head-on views.

I then checked the Nazareth Quarry, which held 24 Ruddy Ducks, 4 Buffleheads, 2 Pied-billed Grebes, 2 American Black Ducks, and an American Coot among about 2500 Canada Geese.

Over at the Hollo Road retention pond, I was a little surprised to see that the Least Sandpiper was still there feeding in the remaining tiny puddles that were getting smaller each day because of the drought that had been going on since late September.

Four Killdeer were also there. The nearby Shoeneck Creek produced 45 American Robins, 18 Red-winged Blackbirds, 2 White-throated Sparrows, an American Goldfinch, and a Brown-headed Cowbird.

At my last quick stop, 5 Killdeer were present over at the Newburg Road retention pond behind the Hecktown Oaks campus of the Lehigh Valley Hospital.

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