Tuesday, June 11, 2024

A Killdeer Nest at the Palmer Elementary School ~ June 11, 2024

A stop at Green Pond revealed that the White-rumped Sandpipers had moved on. Four Semipalmated Plovers and a Semipalmated Sandpiper were still there.

Back on June 7th, a teacher at the Palmer Elementary School named Connie Biwer posted photos that a Killdeer was nesting at the school. Since the nest was in one of my Pennsylvania Breeding Bird Atlas blocks, I asked her for more information. I went over there today and found the Killdeer sitting on her nest.
I walked over to get a look at the nest. She got up off of her nest and immediately started doing a distraction display to try and keep my attention on her and not her nest.
I located the nest, which had four speckled eggs in it, took a couple photos of it, and then retreated back to my car.
As I drove out, I stopped and took a photo of her already settled back on her nest.

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