Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Say's Phoebe in Northampton County! ~ September 14, 2021

While birding at Housenick Park in Bethlehem Township on Tuesday morning, Linda Freedman discovered a Say's Phoebe along the paved path through the field northeast of the parking lot! She took some nice photos of it and alerted other birders. It just so happened that my car was in for inspection and my wife needed her car at noon, so I commandeered her car and promised that I'd be back before then. When I got there, I found several birders happily watching the bird flycatching from a hay baler parked out in the middle of the field. It was very active and was having no trouble snatching grasshoppers and other insects. I managed to grab a few distant photos of it before heading back home before noon.

Later in the afternoon, I picked up my car at the garage and headed back over to the park, getting there around 5:45. This time, the bird was flycatching from the rake attachment that was much closer to the parking lot. It remained there until dark, allowing me to get a few better photos of it in the process.

This bird represents the first record for Northampton County and only the second record for the Lehigh Valley area.

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