Sunday, June 28, 2020

Arizona Trip ~ June 20, 2020

At first light, we packed up the tents and hoped that this would be the day the bird would show itself. We headed down to the parking lot located just south of the Southwest Research Station where the Oklahoma birders had had the Quetzal the morning before. On the way there, a Whiskered Screech-Owl was roosting in the crotch of a tree along the road.
Whiskered Screech-Owl

Once again, it was a no-show. We eventually worked our way back up the road towards the area with the private cabins. A Painted Redstart was taking food to the female in their hillside nest.

Painted Redstart taking food to the nest

Nearby, I managed to get documentation photos of the Berylline Hummingbird on its nest.

Berylline Hummingbird nest

Later, the male put in an appearance at the feeder. Although the lighting was terrible, the photos show the green head and breast, chestnut-colored wings, and bi-colored bill.

Berylline Hummingbird

Later that day, the lighting was much more favorable, so I was able to get somewhat better results.

Berylline Hummingbird

In the heat of the day, we drove back down to the Portal Store to get something to eat. New birds seen there while sitting at one of the outdoor tables included Inca Dove, Ladder-backed Woodpecker, Barn Swallow, Curve-billed Thrasher, Lesser Goldfinch, Hooded and Bullock's Oriole, and Black-headed Grosbeak.

Birding the area by the Sunny Flat Campground revealed an Elegant Trogon, Black Phoebe, Canyon Wren, Scott's Oriole, Black-throated Gray Warbler, and Hepatic Tanager.

We returned to Herb Martyr Road and drove all the way up to Herb Martyr Campground, but there were several noisy groups of campers there, so we didn't stay too long. We spent the rest of the day at the parking lot just south of the Southwest Research Station. A hummingbird feeder there produced Broad-tailed, Black-chinned, and Rivoli's Hummingbird, and Blue-throated Mountain-Gem.

We spent the second night tent-camping at John Hands with Mexican Whip-poor-will calling nearby.

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