This was my first real afternoon of birding in 2025. I stopped at Green Pond where I found a small group of Snow Geese. In the retention ponds across the street, I saw 3 American Black Ducks among the Mallards and Canadas. A Bald Eagle and a Common Raven flew overhead.
I drove over to the Regency Boulevard retention ponds and checked the south pond. Nine Ring-necked Ducks and 7 Buffleheads were the notables there. As I scanned the shoreline of the north pond, I came across a Greater White-fronted Goose at its south end! I grabbed some photos of it as many of the Canada Geese were beginning to take off.
Eventually, it lifted off when the Canadas that were with it took off to the west.
Over at the nearby Silver Crest Road pond, 5 Hooded Mergansers, 5 Ruddy Ducks, a Great Blue Heron, and a Belted Kingfisher were present.
About 6000 Snow Geese, 74 Ruddy Ducks, 21 American Coots, 9 Buffleheads, 6 American Black Ducks, 2 Redheads, and 2 Common Mergansers were at the Nazareth Quarry. I spent about an hour searching through the Snows for a Ross's Goose but came away empty-handed.
At the nearby Hollo Road retention pond, I spotted 2 Green-winged Teal and an American Black Duck among the usuals.